Massage in old age or how to enjoy life with more energy -

Massage in old age or how to enjoy life with more energy

The elderly can suffer from various diseases, conditions that are complicated by age. There are chain reactions that deprive them of freedom of movement, of energy, of an active life. Undoubtedly, massages can restore well-being, can reduce physical pain, so they are recommended for users of any age.

The benefits of massages, massage sessions as well as massage chair programs are what recommend this therapy. We are talking about the complex and complex technology behind the Masatto armchairs.

Massage Therapy

Massages can relieve pain and implicitly can have a beneficial action in depressive states, agitation. They allow users, including the elderly, to better control their physical pain. They will also have improved sleep.

Relaxation is not to be neglected either. In this age category it is commonsocial isolation, reduced activity schedule, hence the states of depression or anxiety. Some are surrounded only by family members, grandchildren, but difficult movement or various pains make it difficult. So it is not to be neglected that such people need relaxation.

Physical pain and muscle contractions

Arthritis, one of the most common ailments in the elderly, causes pain. Massages can be a way to relieve these states and episodes of pain. Moreover, thanks to Masatto armchairs with complex functions, body posture can be improved – massage is for the whole body , from the neck to the back, soles included.

No pain, it means more mobility and zest for life! As a result, the user is later stimulated to move, to do more physical exercise.

Sleep quality changes after massages begin to be part of your daily routine!

Older people can get restless sleep, especially if they tend to stay up all day. We can also talk about mental peace, the cognitive functions that determine the quality of sleep. What is certain is that massage therapy is beneficial this time as well. As a result of any type of massage selected, the body is stimulatedso that a state of well-being, calm, revitalization is automatically induced.

Massages can:

  • Promotes the elimination of toxins;
  • Improve peripheral and cerebral blood circulation;
  • Helps deflate the feet, as a result of fatigue and more. The ideal massage position is zero gravity, when the body is stretched, with the feet at 128 degrees. Exactly what Masatto massage chairs know how to do – the zero gravity function I’ve talked about on other occasions, also here on the blog .
  • Relaxes muscles. The elderly often have back pain in different areas. Well, the massage chairs allow you to massage the entire back, from the neck to the buttocks.

Massage chair, home therapist

We must also remember that the availability of a masseur is one of the obstacles that the elderly have. He moves hard, he schedules his massage sessions according to several factors. The great advantage of a massage chair refers precisely to the possibility of installing it in the home, being always at hand.

Massage frequency may be higher than scheduled massage sessions at the salon or spa. This allows this therapy to be recognized as complex and unmistakably with multiple benefits.

We recommend Masatto armchairs for the whole family! Any of the armchair variants in our range can be tested in the showroom. Details can be found on our page.